Your Smile Is Important to Us.


Your Smile Is Important To Us


Welcome to Sandy Dental PDX.

Sandy Dental PDX is excited to bring smiles to everyone in Portland and the surrounding neighborhood areas.
We are family dental office that provides quality smiles from quality dentists.

We talk your language.
Rất hân hạnh được phục vụ quý đồng hương
Hablamos Espanõl




7836 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, Oregon 97213

(503) 288-3107
Fax: (503) 287-4748
Emergency: (503) 473-7284


Our Dental Services

Root Canal - $850 and up

(Including molar root canals)

Implants - $3500-up

(Includes the dental implant itself, abutment and the crown)

Immediate Dentures - call for estimate

(Full mouth extraction )

IV Sedation - Call for estimate

(The goal is to separate perception from reality - using drugs to obtund the brain so that it does not realize that the body is having a tooth pulled or a dental implant. The medications given cause euphoria, amnesia, anti-anxiety, and relaxation.)

Crown and Bridge - $1000 and up

(Full mouth cosmetic)

ZOOM! Teeth Whitening - $299.90

(1 hour bleaching at office or bleaching trays for a much cheaper rate!)

Tooth-Colored Fillings - $140 and up

(Front teeth and molar)

Extraction - $110 and up

(Including extraction of wisdom teeth)

Teeth Cleaning - $109.00

(This teeth cleaning in particular includes the exam and x-rays at no extra charge! Please note that this does not include the comprehensive set of x-rays, also deep cleanings have a separate price.)



Let's Chat.

There are many ways to communicate with our office. Please choose the method most convenient to you.

Your personal information is for our Dental Office only and will be used solely to contact you. We will not give away or sell your information to anyone.